Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Having your wisdom teeth removed is a fairly common procedure. More often than not, the wisdom teeth fail to come in properly and need to be extracted. Wisdom teeth removal has become a rite of passage of sorts for young adults, as the typical age for this procedure ranges anywhere from 17-25.
Does everyone need to have their wisdom teeth removed? Not necessarily. Learn more about wisdom teeth and how to determine if and when you should have yours extracted.
What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that are located at the back of your jaw behind your 12-year molars. They typically develop in your late teens or early 20s. Wisdom teeth are relatively large in comparison to your other teeth, and it is common for space to be an issue. As humans have evolved we no longer need our wisdom teeth, and as a result our jaws don’t grow large enough to accommodate them.
Typical Problems With Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth are highly likely to cause oral health problems, such as:
- Incorrect alignment. Wisdom teeth often come in at the wrong angle and are not in alignment with your other teeth. Extraction is more practical than orthodontic treatment, as the wisdom teeth are not necessary for adequate dental function.
- Partial bony impaction. Due to their large size, wisdom teeth often become partially stuck in the jaw bone and fail to erupt through the gum tissue. The wisdom teeth can push against your other teeth, causing damage and shifting. An infection can develop around the impacted tooth.
- Full bony impaction. In some cases the wisdom teeth are unable to erupt from the jaw bone. This can eventually cause damage to the bone and poses a risk of infection.
When is Wisdom Teeth Removal Recommended?
Wisdom teeth that are partially or fully impacted should always be extracted. In these situations the risk of damage to your other teeth as well as the risk of infection are extremely high. Even if your wisdom teeth have erupted but are not in the proper position, extraction is usually in your best interest.
In rare cases the wisdom teeth come in properly and pose no threat to your oral health. There is no need to remove wisdom teeth in this case, but it is important that your dentist carefully monitors the situation in case problems develop.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Procedures
The procedure for removing wisdom teeth varies based on the position of the teeth. The simplest type of extraction is when the wisdom teeth have erupted through the gums and can be easily removed with typical dental tools. Impacted wisdom teeth often require oral surgery because they are stuck below the gum tissue. This procedure is slightly more complex, but still very routine for an oral surgeon.
Frequently Asked Questions About Wisdom Teeth
Why should I go to an oral surgeon for wisdom teeth removal?
Wisdom teeth extraction typically requires the expertise of an oral surgeon, especially when the teeth are impacted. Even for erupted wisdom teeth there may still be some surgical elements to the procedure that are best handled by an experienced oral surgeon.
What type of anesthesia is required for wisdom teeth extraction.
Fully erupted wisdom teeth may be removed with local anesthesia. However, in the case of impacted wisdom teeth it is often in the best interest of the patient to have IV sedation. This makes the procedure more comfortable and easier on the patient.
Is it Time For Wisdom Teeth Extraction?
If you or your child is between the ages of 17 and 25, it may be time to consider wisdom teeth extraction. Davis Oral Surgery and Implant Center can evaluate the position of your wisdom teeth and make a recommendation for treatment.
To learn more and schedule an appointment, call 530-297-7000 or contact us today.